
‹£‘–”nwCost of Freedomx‚ΜƒŒ[ƒXŸ—˜


Gary Barber & Cecil Barber

2010”N ƒƒTƒ“ƒ[ƒ‹ƒXEƒnƒ“ƒfƒBƒLƒƒƒbƒv

Cost of Freedom

ΆŽY Harris Farms IncorporatedsJohn C Harrist

”nŽε Gary Barber & Cecil Barber

Gary Barber & Cecil Barber

2010”N ƒo[ƒmƒ“EO.ƒAƒ“ƒ_[ƒEƒbƒhEƒXƒe[ƒNƒX

Cost of Freedom

ΆŽY Harris Farms IncorporatedsJohn C Harrist

”nŽε Gary Barber & Cecil Barber

Gary Barber & Cecil Barber

2010”N ƒJƒŠƒtƒHƒ‹ƒjƒAEƒJƒbƒvEƒXƒvƒŠƒ“ƒg

Cost of Freedom

ΆŽY Harris Farms IncorporatedsJohn C Harrist

”nŽε Gary Barber & Cecil Barber

Gary Barber & Cecil Barber

2008”N ƒGƒ“ƒVƒƒƒ“ƒgƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹EƒXƒe[ƒNƒX

Cost of Freedom

ΆŽY Harris Farms IncorporatedsJohn C Harrist

”nŽε Gary Barber & Cecil Barber

‹£‘–”nwCost of Freedomx‚ΜƒŒ[ƒXŸ—˜
